Cascading Layouts
A workshop on resilient CSS layouts
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We provide award-winning talks & workshops for companies or conferences, to help you create resilient web applications and design systems – improving team process, communication, site performance, and accessibility. Dive into the posts below for the latest videos & slides, and upcoming conference or workshop dates.
Miriam has always been nothing but spot-on, professional, funny, while also being extremely knowledgeable, smart, polite and always on time.
Ed’s tutorial has been the most popular this year!
A workshop on resilient CSS layouts
A practical workshop on integrating modern CSS
A workshop on resilient & maintainable CSS
A deep-dive introduction to CSS container queries
The design of web design
With Cascade Layers & Container Queries
A hands-on workshop using pytest and Playwright
Building a presentation tool in Eleventy
Modernizing the cascade for responsive design systems
Pushing past global design tokens
designing software for humans, with other humans
How to make the editing experience better
To understand how they work with the language
An exploration of CSS custom properties
Resilient design on an infinite canvas
What does it mean to style a universal medium?
with grids & custom properties
A workshop with practical steps to take full advantage of the web
with meaningful code and automation
A workshop with practical use-cases, tooling, and pitfalls
It’s time to move past grid systems like Susy
with CSS Grid Layout and Friends
Integrating Pyramid, React, & Plone
It’s easy to fall into old habits
CSS Code Reviews
a case-study in building and sharing open-source Sass
an introduction to the Susy layout toolkit
Inside pip
and virtualenv