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Tag: CSS

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2025 Posts

  1. A hand with painted nails placing a white square of paper into a 9 by 9 grid.
    Article post type

    Better Anchor Positioning with position-area

    It’s not just a shorthand for anchor()

    position-area might be my favorite part of the CSS Anchor Positioning spec, with a ton of features packed in to make things just… work. But there’s no magic here, just a few key parts that work well.

    see all Article posts
  2. Title card from the podcast with headshots of Kevin and Mia
    Podcast post type

    Getting more involved with CSS

    Kevin and I chat about getting involved with the development of the CSS language, from following along to opening issues, or even joining the CSS Working Group.

    see all Podcast posts
  3. Winging It post type

    Debugging CSS Anchor Positioning

    It is frustrating to track down why an anchor isn’t being found. James and Miriam talk with Tab Atkins-Bittner about ways to troubleshoot CSS Anchor Positioning issues, and dive into the details to get a better understanding of how Anchor Positioning works.

    see all Winging It posts
  4. A case of letterpress type with arrows pointing outward and a cursor hand overlaid
    Article post type

    Reimagining Fluid Typography

    Are we responding to the right inputs?

    For many years, it has been ‘best practice’ to use relative units (especially em and rem) for sizing text. That’s great! But after playing around with my user preferences, I think we can improve on the common approaches.

    see all Article posts
  5. A weathered small boat in the fog, with ropes going into the water, hopefully leading to an anchor.
    Article post type

    Here’s Why Your Anchor Positioning Isn’t Working

    How to find an anchor element

    It is frustrating to track down why an anchor isn’t being found. I’ve found a simple way that should work in most cases. If that doesn’t work, step through the checklist, and then dive in to get a better understanding of how Anchor Positioning works.

    see all Article posts
  6. Winging It post type

    Relative Units & Typography

    Join Miriam Suzanne, Stacy Kvernmo, and special guest Alan Stearns – typography enthusiast, co-chair of the CSS Working Group, and self-described CSS Panjandrum – for a conversation about typography. Responsive Typography has been around for at least a decade in various forms, but has become even more popular with tools…

    see all Winging It posts


  1. A cat sitting in a box
thinking OMG.
I have so many questions
for this damn box.
    Talk post type

    Cascading Layouts

    A workshop on resilient CSS layouts

    CSS layout techniques have come a long way since the early days of responsive design, but many websites are still using decade-old approaches that require more fragile code and more ongoing maintenance. Take your sites to the next level with this 3-session workshop on building more resilient and maintainable web…

    see all Talks & Workshops
  2. Winging It post type


    On December 17, 1996, the W3C published the first standard for CSS, and we celebrated the anniversary on Winging It! Michelle Barker, Stephanie Eckles, Kevin Powell, and Henri Helvetica joined us for our “CSS Is Awesome” game. If you love CSS as much as we do, we hope you will…

    see all Winging It posts
  3. css:is(awesome)
over a colorful nebula
    Talk post type

    Modern CSS Architecture

    A practical workshop on integrating modern CSS

    • – New York

      Smashing Workshop

    see all Talks & Workshops
  4. Indoor plants in pots on a floating shelf
held up by brackets.
    Link post type

    Sass Indented Syntax Improvements

    Bringing SCSS flexibility to .sass files

    The Sass indented format is getting more flexible with the ability to have multiline statements, semicolons, and more.

    see all Link posts
  5. Mia from behind,
standing at a laptop -
speaking to a conference audience
and gesturing to one side
    Talk post type

    Cascading Style Systems

    A workshop on resilient & maintainable CSS

    • – Sydney, Australia

      Web Directions Workshops

    • – Online

      Smashing Workshops

    see all Talks & Workshops
  6. Three mud turtles
end-to-end on a small branch
floating in the water
    Talk post type

    CSS Containers, What Do They Know?

    A deep-dive introduction to CSS container queries

    • – Sydney, Australia

      Web Directions Developer Summit

    • – Amsterdam, Netherlands

      CMD Amsterdam

    see all Talks & Workshops
  7. Winging It post type

    Baseline and Web Features

    What happens when you set out to categorize every API and property of the web? OddBird has been documenting CSS for the Web Features project. Join us as we explore some fascinating rabbit trails, edge cases, and insights into the web platform that we’ve encountered along the way.

    see all Winging It posts
  8. Two websites loaded on
the WWW Hypermedia Browser,
using the emulator hosted by Remy Sharp --
our workshop page, and the 11ty symposium site --
both rendered as plain text
    Talk post type

    Hints and Suggestions

    The design of web design

    • – Victoria, BC

      Camosun College

    • – Berlin, DE

      Beyond Tellerand

    see all Talks & Workshops
  9. A symmetrical knot with thick rope lying on weathered wood.
    Article post type

    Anchor Positioning Is Disruptive

    New layouts will be possible

    The more I play with it, the more convinced I am that anchor positioning is going to unlock some surprising new layouts.

    see all Article posts
  10. A pay-to-use pair of binoculars at a scenic overlook.
    Article post type

    Updates to the Most Desired CSS Feature You Can’t Use Yet

    Performance, scope, and fallbacks for the anchor positioning polyfill

    Our sponsors are supporting the continued development of the CSS Anchor Positioning Polyfill. Here’s a summary of the latest updates.

    see all Article posts
  11. A green on dark-gray horizontal bar chart, with the labels cut off
    Article post type

    What do survey demographics tell us?

    Are we measuring what we meant to measure?

    There’s been a lot of interest in the results of the annual State of CSS survey, but are we asking all the right questions?

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  12. A gallery of numbered images in four columns
    Article post type

    Choosing a Masonry Syntax in CSS

    What makes something a ‘grid’, and what’s at stake?

    Back in 2020, Firefox released a prototype for doing ‘masonry’ layout in CSS. Now all the browsers are eager to ship something, but there’s a hot debate about the best syntax to use.

    see all Article posts
  13. Sass logo in black
on top of bright oklch color gradient
    Link post type

    Sass Color Spaces & Wide Gamut Colors

    Inspect and manipulate the new CSS color formats in Sass!

    CSS has a range of new color functions that support wider color gamuts (like display-p3) and perceptually uniform color adjustments (like oklch). Sass now provides additional tools for working with these new color formats, and converting between them.

    see all Link posts
  14. Winging It post type

    Learn CSS Grid - Part 2

    In July we talked with Stephanie Eckles about how (and why) you can get started working grids into your CSS toolkit. As requested, this is part two of our dive into CSS grids. We address your questions about strategy – demoing how we plan and apply grid layouts, starting with…

    see all Winging It posts
  15. Article post type

    Partial Feature Queries, Relaxed Layout Containment, and More

    CSS Working Group updates from July

    Over the last month, the CSS Working Group has determined we can loosen containment restrictions for query containers, and agreed on a syntax for special-case support queries (like support for the gap property in a flex context, or support for align-content in a block flow context).

    see all Article posts
  16. Winging It post type

    Learn CSS Grid First

    We talk with Stephanie Eckles – the brain behind and – about CSS grids. We look at a few of the most common grid patterns, to show you how (and why) you can get started working grids into your CSS toolkit!

    see all Winging It posts
  17. A stepped gradient of a pink hue in 2% lightness increments from 100% to 58%, labeled 'spec'
    Article post type

    CSS Working Group Updates for June & July

    What I’ve been working on as an Invited Expert

    The CSS Working Group has regular face-to-face meetings (hybrid online/in-person) throughout the year, and they always result in a flurry of activity! Here’s a rundown of some highlights from the last few months, with a focus on the features I maintain.

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  18. A dog zooming by the camera, up-close, body twisted and eyes wide as it circles a grass yard
    Article post type

    Zoom, zoom, and zoom

    The three types of browser (and CSS!) magnification

    I’m working on an article about fluid typography, and relative units. But instead, I fell down this rabbit hole – or a cleverly-disguised trap? – trying to understand ‘zoom’ in the browser (not Zoom™️ the software). Since I couldn’t find any up-to-date articles on the subject, I thought I shoul…

    see all Article posts
  19. A rusty anchor hanging with the sea in the background.
    Article post type

    Updates to the Anchor Positioning Polyfill

    Catching up to the spec

    Our sponsors are supporting the continued development of the CSS Anchor Positioning Polyfill. Here’s a summary of the latest updates.

    see all Article posts
  20. Video post type

    Smashing Hour with Miriam Suzanne

    I joined Geoff Graham for a Smashing live stream to talk about CSS, web standards, music, and more!

    see all Video posts
  21. A back hoe on the bank of the Suez, trying to free the Ever Given cargo ship
    Article post type

    Learn Grid Now, Container Queries Can Wait

    Take your time with new CSS, but don’t sleep on the essentials

    Several people have asked recently why container queries aren’t being used more broadly in production. But I think we underestimate the level of legacy browser support that most companies require to re-write a code-base.

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  22. Video post type

    Web Development Is Theater

    I joined Den Delimarsky on the Work Item podcast to talk about my path as a developer – from building a website for my theater company, to building a career and a company around it. In this show, we talk about the power of the web, and how CSS is…

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  23. A clear kitchen blender filled with chopped fruit and greens
    Article post type

    Can you un-mix a mixin?

    Rethinking the CSS mixin proposal after CSS Day

    The CSS Working Group has agreed to move forward with CSS-native mixins. But some recent mixin-like CSS tricks have an advantage that the official proposal doesn’t account for: they make it easy to remove a mixin after it’s already been mixed in.

    see all Article posts
  24. see all Podcast posts
  25. Winging It post type

    CSS Anchor Positioning in Practice

    What is Anchor Positioning? Why is it exciting? What can you use it for? How does the polyfill work? Join James Stuckey Weber and Miriam Suzanne as they talk through these questions and answer yours in our monthly live stream.

    see all Winging It posts
  26. Winging It post type

    CSS Container Queries in Practice

    Miriam Suzanne and Stacy Kvernmo talk about CSS Container Queries and the unexpected things that happen when you add containment. Some elements completely collapse! What’s going on there? We had questions and thought you might too. So we talk through the issue in our monthly live stream.

    see all Winging It posts


  1. 12 Days of Web
    Link post type

    CSS @scope

    Keep selector conflicts to a minimum

    The new @scope rule is here! It’s a better way to keep our component styles contained – without relying on third-party tools or extreme naming conventions.

    see all Link posts
  2. Shop Talk Show Podcast
    Podcast post type

    Cascade Layers, CSS Functions, and More

    I drop by the show to talk about CSS updates and news on container queries, rolling out cascade layers, !important things to remember, custom properties, exit animations, CSS functions, state queries, and more.

    see all Podcast posts
  3. Video post type

    Demystifying CSS Container Queries

    CSS Container Queries promise even more powerful styling approaches, but… what the heck are they? How do they actually work? Miriam joined Jason to teach and explore Container Queries in live code.

    see all Video posts
  4. Grainy art-deco illustration of a rocket launch
    Podcast post type

    CSS Containers

    A web development podcast from LogRocket

    I talk with Noel Minchow about CSS Container Queries, why they took so long, how they work, and what to watch out for.

    see all Podcast posts
  5. A close up of the hands of a person handing a package
to another person.
    Link post type

    Sass Package Importer (Request for Comments)

    A new proposal for importing from NPM packages in Sass

    UI libraries like Vuetify and Bootstrap make it easy to extend their themes by providing Sass source files with their NPM packages. Now, Sass is requesting feedback on a simpler way to import those libraries into your Sass styles with e.g. @use "pkg:bootstrap".

    see all Link posts
  6. Winging It post type

    CSS Cascade Layers

    If you’ve ever found yourself in a specificity war, you’ll understand how important having control over style priority can be. During our conversation, we discussed what CSS Layers are and how you can use them in your project.

    see all Winging It posts
  7. The top front of a bright yellow shipping container with the door open and a blue sky behind it
    Article post type

    Can We Query the Root Container?

    The complexities of containment, overflow, and ‘propagation’

    I spoke about Container Queries at both Smashing Conference (San Francisco) and CSS Day (Amsterdam) – where I recommended setting up a root container to replace most media queries. Since then, Temani Afif pointed out a few issues with that approach, and sent me down a rabbit hole of overlapping…

    see all Article posts
  8. Online Together Fall Summit 2021, October 11-13
    Talk post type

    Styling the Intrinsic Web

    With Cascade Layers & Container Queries

    • – Victoria, BC

      Camosun College

    • – San Francisco, CA

      SmashingConf SF

    see all Talks & Workshops


  1. 12 Days of Web
    Link post type

    Cascade Layers

    Giving us control over the cascade

    Don’t let specificity force you into strict selector conventions. Cascade Layers allow us to manage specificity without resorting to naming hacks or the !important flag.

    see all Link posts
  2. see all Talks & Workshops
  3. Nested semicircles,
from innermost and slowest
to outermost and fastest-moving:
nature, culture,
governance, infrastructure,
commerce, fashion
    Article post type

    When Our Tools Hold Us Back

    What happens if the ‘pace layers’ get out of sync?

    “Ask not just: How well does it work? But also: How well does it fail? What happens when something goes wrong?” —Jeremy Keith

    see all Article posts
  4. see all Talks & Workshops
  5. Title card,
State of CSS Frameworks,
October 2022
    Video post type

    State of CSS Frameworks

    How can we write our styles in style?

    A panel conversation with library and methodology authors and CSS aficionados about recent features added to CSS, developments in how to write more effective, maintainable CSS in small teams and at scale, and what libraries and trends to investigate.

    see all Video posts
  6. Sass logo in black
on top of bright oklch color gradient
    Link post type

    Sass Color Spaces (Request for Comments)

    A new proposal for color management in Sass

    There’s been a lot of exciting work in the CSS color specifications lately, and since the new features are already starting to land in browsers, we’ve been preparing to add support in Sass as well. My proposal for that is published and ready for public feedback!

    see all Link posts
  7. see all Article posts
    Wireframe of card elements
in different sized containers --
some laid out vertically in small spaces,
others horizontal when there's room.
    Article post type

    Use the Right Container Query Syntax

    Size queries are stable, and shipping in browsers

    Since we got a first look at a Container Queries prototype back in April 2021, the syntax has changed a few times. But now the spec is stable, browsers are getting ready to ship, and it’s time to make sure you’re using the same syntax they are!

  8. Grainy art-deco illustration of a rocket launch
    Podcast post type

    Styling the intrinsic web

    A web development podcast from LogRocket

    I talk with Noel Minchow about how to style the intrinsic web, what that means, and how it’s compatible with responsive design.

    see all Podcast posts
  9. Black text on bright yellow sign,
Caution, slip hazard,
with stick figure falling backwards.
    Article post type

    Not All Zeros are Equal

    And every ‘best practice’ comes with caveats

    There’s a well-established ‘best practice’ that CSS authors (as well as linters and minifiers) should remove units from any 0 value. It’s a fine rule in most cases, but there are a few common situations where it will break your code.

    see all Article posts
  10. A scene wipe transition in Star Wars,
as Luke and C-3PO in a speeder
wipe across a close-up
of Luke and Obi-Wan talking.
Over top, a dotted line shows the transition edge,
and a red arrow shows the transition movement
in front of the speeder.
    Article post type

    Every Transition is a Page Transition?

    Experimenting with the shared element transitions API

    There’s a new web API proposal for transitioning shared-elements across pages. It’s great for making smooth page transitions, but what if we apply it to individual elements with changing styles on a single page?

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  11. see all Article posts
  12. Word Wrap Show
    Podcast post type

    Teleportation, PapayaWhip, and Cookies

    This episode went a little off the rails…

    I talk with Claire and Steph about changes to the Container Query syntax, our feelings about web components, named CSS colors, how much we like eating cookies, and other wild tangents.

    see all Podcast posts
  13. Video post type

    Making Sense of CSS Layers and Scope

    CSS is evolving rapidly and new features come online all the time. Join Morten & Miriam to talk about what CSS layers and scope are all about and how they will change how we work with and think about the cascade in the future.

    see all Video posts
  14. see all Link posts
    fragment of an inverted triangle with the cascade --
cascade layers are highlighted below element-attached styles
and above specificity
    Link post type

    A Complete Guide to CSS Cascade Layers

    Cascade layers are a new CSS feature that allows us to define explicit contained layers of specificity, so that we have full control over which styles take priority in a project without relying on specificity hacks or !important. This guide is intended to help you fully understand what cascade layers are for, how and why you might choose to use them, the current levels of support, and the syntax.


  1. certified ooux strategist badge
    Podcast post type

    Bridging Development and Design

    Sondra and Miriam chat with Sophia about using her ORCA methodology (Objects, Relationships, CTAs, and Attributes) in OddBird’s work with clients. We dive into the ways OOUX facilitates a flow of conversation between designers and back-end developers, and get a sneak peak of Miriam’s work on the new container query…

    see all Podcast posts
  2. Now What?
    Podcast post type

    Developing the Future of the Internet

    Miriam talks to Now What? about why the internet looks the way it does, why designers and developers need to collaborate and how the future of the web must be built around inclusivity and respect.

    see all Podcast posts
  3. Weekly fireside chat:
What's the job of a design engineer?
Featuring Miriam Suzanne
    Video post type

    What’s the job of a “design engineer”?

    A fireside chat

    There are often tall walls between designers and developers, sometimes with only one significant handoff moment during a sprint. We discuss the role of the ‘design engineer’ and what it means for workflows, collab with their product team, and the end-user experience.

    see all Video posts
  4. Miriam Suzanne speaking at a conference
    Podcast post type

    What’s Happening in CSS & Sass

    A podcast focusing on front end development but also covering a wide range of web development and design topics. We talked about CSS, Sass, and work being done in the W3C CSS Working Group.

    see all Podcast posts
  5. Talk post type

    Container Queries & The Future of CSS

    Modernizing the cascade for responsive design systems

    • – Online

      Smashing Meets CSSummer

    • – Online

      CSS Café

    see all Talks & Workshops
  6. Back of a head, out of focus, looking at code
    Podcast post type

    Web Ecosystem Health Part VI

    Igalia’s Brian Kardell sits down to chat with Miriam and Rachel Andrew about who works on standards, and who pays for that work.

    see all Podcast posts
  7. see all Podcast posts
  8. Word Wrap Show
    Podcast post type

    CSSWG, Container Queries, Scope, and Layers

    I talk with Claire and Steph about my journey into webdev and onto the CSSWG, what I find frustrating about how others use CSS, and the three specs I’m working on.

    see all Podcast posts
  9. A large, carved, wooden hand
supporting a tree that has nearly fallen over
    Article post type

    Support (Not) Unknown

    Adding Container Query tests to CSS @support

    Working on a new CSS feature like Container Queries, one of the most important considerations is to ensure a “migration path” – a way for developers to start integrating the new code, without breaking their sites on legacy browsers. That looks different depending on the feature, but can often include…

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  10. F-Word
    Podcast post type

    Container Queries & the CSSWG

    I chat with Bruce Lawson & Vadim Makeev about Sass & Susy, CSS Layers & compatibility, Container Queries, and the CSS Working Group.

    see all Podcast posts
  11. Smashing Podcast #36, Miriam Suzanne, What is the future of CSS?
    Podcast post type

    What Is The Future Of CSS?

    Starting a new season of the Smashing Podcast with a look at the future of CSS. What new specs will be landing in browsers soon? Drew McLellan talks to Miriam to find out.

    see all Podcast posts
  12. Talk post type

    Beyond CSS Variables

    Pushing past global design tokens

    • – Online

      An Event Apart Spring Summit

    see all Talks & Workshops
  13. see all Article posts
    blockquote with magenta background and polygonal clip-path
    Article post type

    Container Queries: a Quick Start Guide

    Now is the time to begin experimenting with a long requested layout tool.

    The @container query, that elusive feature developers have been requesting and proposing for years, has finally made its debut in a browser. Well, sort of. Here we’ll explain what container queries are, how they work, and what other features they might come with once fully supported in browsers.

  14. JS Party logo
    Podcast post type

    JS Danger, CSS-Tricks Edition

    I joined some other folks behind CSS-Tricks (maybe you’ve heard of it?) to face off in the much beloved don’t-call-it-jeopardy game show. Play along while you listen (or watch). It’s JS Danger time, y’all!

    see all Podcast posts


  1. A whole CSS-art cabinet of single-div objects drawn by Lynn Fisher,
from a mirror and skull, to abacus, clock, viewfinder, plants,
snow globe, hot air balloon, and lightsaber.
    Link post type

    Very Extremely Practical CSS Art

    CSS-Tricks asked a number of web builders the same question…

    What is one thing you learned about building websites this year?” I’ve always enjoyed the CSS art people create, but I’ve never ventured into it much myself. I’m familiar with many of the tricks involved, but still find it surprising every time: the way people are able to…

    see all Link posts
  2. Enjoy the Vue! (#44)
    Podcast post type

    CSS, Sass, and Playwriting

    I join Ari, Ben, and Tessa to talk about getting into CSS from other languages, the absurdly massive problem CSS is designed to solve, and the mental model behind the language.

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  3. see all Talks & Workshops
  4. see all Talks & Workshops
  5. Talk post type

    When Variables Cascade

    An exploration of CSS custom properties

    • – Online

      SmashingConf Austin/NY

    see all Talks & Workshops
  6. Miriam speaking at Smashing Conf NY
    Talk post type

    CSS is Rad

    Resilient design on an infinite canvas

    • – Online

      Design 4 Drupal Webinar Series

    • – Online

      SmashingConf Live

    see all Talks & Workshops
  7. Miriam speaking at Develop Denver, 2019
    Talk post type

    Dynamic CSS

    with grids & custom properties

    • – Online

      Shift Remote

    • – Denver, CO

      Develop Denver

    see all Talks & Workshops
  8. Talk post type

    Cascade Aligned Programming

    What does it mean to style a universal medium?

    • – Online

      Front Range Front End

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  9. see all Link posts
    Link post type

    Using Custom Property “Stacks” to Tame the Cascade

    Since the inception of CSS in 1994, the cascade and inheritance have defined how we design on the web. Both are powerful features, but as authors we’ve had very little control over how they interact. Selector specificity and source order provide some minimal “layering” control, without a lot of nuance – and inheritance requires an unbroken lineage. Now, CSS Custom Properties allow us to manage and control both cascade and inheritance in new ways.

  10. Miriam talking with Jen Simmons and others
    Talk post type

    Resilient Web Systems

    A workshop with practical steps to take full advantage of the web

    • – Online

      Smashing Workshops

    see all Talks & Workshops
  11. Video post type

    Design Systems AMA

    Jina and I answer questions about CSS, Sass, Design Systems, and more!

    see all Video posts
  12. Rainbow corgi
    Podcast post type

    Authoring the future of CSS

    A spinoff of the Party Corgi Network discord. I chat with Chris Biscardi about The CSS Working Group, open-source projects, art, and music.

    see all Podcast posts
  13. Article post type

    W3C Invited Expert on the CSS Working Group

    Helping define the future of styles on the web

    I’ve joined the CSS Working Group as a W3C Invited Expert to help to develop the next level of Cascading & Inheritance, in addition to other CSS standards. I’m also currently active in the CSS4 and Design Token Community Groups.

    see all Article posts


  1. Miriam on stage talking and gesturing
in front of a projection screen
wearing a yellow leather jacket
and white-blue-pink lightning-bolt earrings
    Link post type

    Embracing the Universal Web

    CSS-Tricks asked a number of web builders the same question…

    What about building websites has you interested this year?” There are constantly new features appearing in browsers – from subgrid to variable fonts to better developer tools. It’s a really great time to be re-thinking everything we know about design on the web. Responsive design has served us…

    see all Link posts
  2. Firefox Developer Tools
    Video post type

    Edit CSS Shapes in the Browser

    For quick visual adjustments directly on the page

    Have you ever wanted to create more interesting shapes on the web, or flow text around the details of an image? Shape paths can be hard to code without a visual reference, but Firefox provides a shape editor to make it quick and clear.

    see all Video posts
  3. CSS @supports statement
    Video post type

    Use new selectors responsibly with selector queries

    Just in time for Selectors Level 4

    Firefox 69 was the first to implement selector feature queries, but other browsers are following suit. I’ll show you how it works, and how to start using this new feature query right away.

    see all Video posts
  4. CSS code snippet with overflow wrap options
    Video post type

    How do you wrap long words in CSS?

    None of the solutions are perfect, but we have some options

    Horizontal text overflow has always been difficult to manage on the web. The default visible overflow is designed to make sure content remains accessible no matter the size of a containing box, but it’s not our only option.

    see all Video posts
  5. CSS code snippet of scroll-snap type and align
    Video post type

    Scroll Snap in CSS

    Without any JavaScript or “scrolljacking”

    When we’re scrolling down a page, or through a gallery of images, snap-targets can help guide us from one section or image to the next. In the past, developers have used JavaScript to hijack scrolling, but now we can manage scroll alignment directly in CSS with only a few lines…

    see all Video posts
  6. Shop Talk Show Podcast
    Podcast post type

    On Sass & CSS

    I drop by the show to talk about Sass in 2019, design tokens, OddBird, unused CSS, new CSS properties, and Dave & Chris’ explanation of revert.

    see all Podcast posts
  7. CSS snippet showing display value options
    Video post type

    Inner & Outer Values of the Display Property

    Allow us to be more explicit & expressive about layouts

    The display property has been in CSS from the beginning, handling everything from block and inline boxes to list-items and full layout systems like flexbox or grid. Now the display syntax is getting an upgrade to match it’s multiple uses.

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  8. Firefox Developer Tools shows helpful information about inactive CSS
    Video post type

    Why isn’t this CSS doing anything?

    Have you ever set a width in CSS, and… nothing happens?

    There are a number of property & value combinations that can lead to CSS being inactive, and now Firefox will tell you why. Open the developer tools, and look for the greyed-out property with an info-box on hover.

    see all Video posts
  9. Inspecting grid with Firefox Developer Tools
    Video post type

    Faster Layouts with CSS Grid

    And subgrid, landing on Dec 3

    For years, we’ve struggled to build resilient layouts on the web, but CSS Grid promises to change all that – and you can start using it now, with only a few properties and basic concepts.

    see all Video posts
  10. CSS Snippet for CSS subgrid to make forms
    Video post type

    Laying out Forms using Subgrid

    and fallbacks for legacy browsers

    It’s a common pattern to align form labels and inputs in grid-like layout. I’ll show you how to do it quickly using CSS subgrid, with several quick fallbacks.

    see all Video posts
  11. CSS snippet with card layout demo
    Video post type

    Subgrid for Better Card Layouts

    and fallbacks for legacy browsers

    Card layouts are popular on the web, rows and columns of boxes with similar content. CSS grids can help align those cards, but it’s still be hard to line-up content inside the cards – headers and footers that might need more or less room.

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  12. CSS snippet showing display revert
    Video post type

    What does revert do in CSS?

    And how is it different from unset or initial?

    I’ve often used initial and unset in my CSS – global keywords that can be applied to any property. The difference is small, but important: unset allows inheritance, while initial does not. But then Firefox implemented revert and I was confused – how is this one different from the others?

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  13. CSS cascade diagram
    Video post type

    Why is CSS so Weird?

    How can we design for an unknown & infinite canvas?

    CSS is the design language of the web – one of three core web languages – but it also seems to be the most contentious and often perplexing. It’s too easy and too hard, too fragile and too resilient. Love it or hate it, CSS is weird: not quite markup…

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  14. Lists styled with cat emojis
    Video post type

    Styling Lists in CSS

    Powerful New CSS for Styling Bullets, Numbers, and List Markers

    When you create lists in HTML, browsers add bullet-points or numbers we call list markers. Now CSS gives us the tools to style those list markers, and even create our own!

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  15. Video post type

    Announcing the Mozilla Developer Channel

    a gift from Mozilla (and OddBird)

    Over the summer, we’ve been working with Mozilla to help create a new resource for web professionals like us – with a mix of videos, articles, demos, and open source tools. Today, we’re excited to launch the video channel!

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  16. Views on Vue Podcast
    Podcast post type

    Design Systems & CSS

    We start by talking about design systems and design tooling – how they differ, and the problems they solve.

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  17. Trans flag generated by CSS-only function
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    CSS Custom Properties In The Cascade

    a deep-dive into what’s possible

    Pushing past the “variable” metaphor, CSS Custom Properties can provide new ways to balance context and isolation in our patterns and components.

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  18. Houdini bunny sticker
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    The Scary & the Inspiring

    8 CSS & UX things I learned at GenerateConf 2019

    As my first foray into the world of web design conferences, GenerateConf 2019 in New York did not disappoint. From human-centered AI to Object Oriented UX to the wonder of CSS Grid, here’s what I found interesting.

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  19. Miriam talking with Jen Simmons and others
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    Smashing CSS Follow-Up Q&A

    Questions about Dynamic CSS

    I had the pleasure of presenting both a talk and workshop at Smashing Conf in San Francisco this year. During the talk, people left questions in a collaborative doc, so I’m here to provide the answers!

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  20. text CSS is Awesome on background of sunset over water
    Talk post type

    Advanced CSS for Modern Applications

    A workshop with practical use-cases, tooling, and pitfalls

    • – San Francisco, CA

      Generate New York

    • – San Francisco, CA

      Smashing Conf

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  21. Miriam Suzanne and former OddBird Una Kravets
    Article post type

    VueFinder at VueConf, 2019

    Dynamic CSS with Vue

    Inspired by VueConf 2018 I spent some time learning JS and Vue in more depth, and built myself a more flexible VueFinder presentation tool to fit my needs. This year, I returned to VueConf and gave the closing talk on passing data between CSS and Vue.

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  22. Giant pencil awarded to Miriam Suzanne for Best of CSS Dev Conf 2017
    Talk post type

    Don’t Use My Grid System

    It’s time to move past grid systems like Susy

    • – Boulder, CO

      Boulder Python

    • – San Francisco, CA

      Covalence Conf

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  1. Views on Vue Podcast
    Podcast post type

    Fonts & more

    Miriam talks with the Views on Vue panel about design, tools, fonts, and more.

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  2. Podcast post type

    Ethics, ES6 in Practice, and Dynamic CSS

    On Episode 18, the TalkScript team continues the live-ish at JSConfUS podcast series with guests Myles Borins, Tim Doherty, and Miriam Suzanne. Listen in!

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  3. Sample organized color swatches with hex and hsl values
    Article post type

    Herman Style Guides

    An agile approach to design systems on a budget

    Design systems streamline development, communication, and consistency – but often rely on dedicated teams and extended budgets. We wanted a tool to create and maintain living style guides & pattern libraries in an agile process, and on a budget. Herman helps keep our development flow simple, and our UX consistent…

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  1. Link post type

    18 Designers Predict UI/UX Trends for 2018

    Figma asked 18 designers (including me) what UI/UX trends they predict for 2018. December, with its flurry of holiday parties, cheery out-of-office auto-replies and introspective weather patterns, provided the perfect opportunity to pause and survey the landscape.

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  2. Jump Start Sass, by Miriam Suzanne and Kitty Giraudel
    Link post type

    How to Write Beautiful Sass

    Excerpt from Jump Start Sass, chapter 11

    Clean, beautiful code should be a goal in every project. If other developers need to make a change, they should be able to read what is there and understand it. Readable code is the core of maintainability. This excerpt from Miriam’s book, Jump Start Sass will help get you started…

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  3. Viewport size diagram
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    Media Queries & Grid Settings

    Practical media helpers for Susy3

    Most grids change with the viewport – and Susy needs new settings at each breakpoint. Susy3 is designed without mixins for complete flexibility from project to project, but it can be useful to build additional tools and shortcuts as you go. Here are some snippets to help you get started…

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  4. the text color(kevin bacon) on a pink background
    Talk post type

    Code Patterns for Pattern Making

    • – Denver, CO

      Refresh Denver

    • – Denver, CO

      Front Range Front End

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  5. Bar graph chart
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    More CSS Charts, with Grid & Custom Properties

    Inspired by Robin Rendle, I demonstrate some of my early experiments combining CSS Grids and custom properties to create dynamic layouts and data-visualizations.

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  6. see all Article posts
    Flexible grid column layout
    Article post type

    Welcome to Susy3!

    Make grid systems your fallback plan

    We’re excited to introduce Susy 3.0, a major update to our popular grid-math calculator – now more focused and flexible than ever. Susy was designed to make layout math easy, without forcing you into generic patterns and ugly markup. But grid systems are on the way out, replaced by real CSS layout specs that live in the browser. With Susy3, we want to help make that a smooth transition.

  7. Narrow and wide spread column math
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    Understanding ‘Spread’ in Susy3

    Susy 3.0 will be released in the next week, if all goes well, and there’s a lot to write about it. I wanted to start with a detailed overview of one core concept: spread.

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  8. CSS-Tricks
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    Fun with Viewport Units

    Viewport units have been around for several years now, with near-perfect support in the major browsers, but I keep finding new and exciting ways to use them. I thought it would be fun to review the basics, and then round-up some of my favorite use-cases.

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  9. repeated grid of the same dog picture in different colors
    Talk post type

    The Great State of Design

    with CSS Grid Layout and Friends

    • – Chicago, IL

      Front-End Camp

    • – Chandler, AZ

    see all Talks & Workshops
  10. CSS-Tricks
    Video post type

    Getting Started with CSS Grid

    It feels like CSS Grid has been coming for a long time now, but it just now seems to be reaching a point where folks are talking more and more about it and that it’s becoming something we should learning.

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  11. Miriam Suzanne speaking at CSSDay
    Article post type

    CSSDay 2016 Recap

    CSSDay was held in sunny Arizona on December 3, 2016. The conference is geared towards front-end developers who want to dive deeper into advanced CSS topics.

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  12. Creative usage of drop caps collage
    Article post type

    What’s Old is New: Drop Caps in CSS

    Using an emphasized initial letter is a technique that has been used for centuries. Let’s dive in to see some ways you can apply it to your project to help guide your reader with visual hierarchy.

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  1. Link post type

    Loops in CSS Preprocessors

    No matter what acronym drives your selectors (BEM, OOCSS, SMACSS, ETC), loops can help keep your patterns more readable and maintainable, baking them directly into your code. We’ll take a look at what loops can do, and how to use them in the major CSS preprocessors.

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  2. Miriam Suzanne on the director's chair
    Podcast post type

    Versioning Show Ep.8

    I joined Tim Evko and M. David Green for their SitePoint podcast – The Versioning Show. We discussed going from lurker to speaker, the importance of writing about what you’re learning, stumbling into fame, approaching new projects, and unit testing in Sass.

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  3. Miriam Suzanne answers questions on SitePoint
    Link post type

    Sass Toolkits, Live Q&A

    I did a live Q&A at SitePoint in August, talking about: Customizing Susy for your projects Other ways to do layouts (and why you might not even need a toolkit) How to select a toolkit, or build your very own!

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  4. Nicole Sullivan on stage
    Article post type

    CSSConf 2016 Recap

    It was a pleasure speaking at CSSConf 2016 in Boston! Here are some of my notes from the event – covering everything from creativity and the Bauhaus movement to SVG 2 internals, React styles, CSS grid layouts, and custom properties (e.g. CSS-native variables). I included links to slides and video…

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  5. CSS Grid example layout
    Article post type

    Will CSS Grid Layout Enable Creative Design?

    CSS Grid Layout is shaping up to be the layout tool we’ve always wanted on the web. How can we use it to start creating interesting layouts?

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  6. see all Article posts
    Jump Start Sass, by Miriam Suzanne and Kitty Giraudel
    Article post type

    Jump Start Sass

    Get up to speed with Sass in a weekend…

    Using Sass, you can write your stylesheets in a more concise, dynamic, and readable way, and cut down many of the repetitive tasks that come with writing vanilla CSS. This book provides a thorough introduction to Sass for the beginner.


  1. see all Talks & Workshops
    sass guidelines and css guidelines
    Talk post type

    No Pain No Gain

    CSS Code Reviews

    • SassConf 2015

    • CSS Dev Conf