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Tag: Container Queries

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2024 Posts

  1. A cat sitting in a box
thinking OMG.
I have so many questions
for this damn box.
    Talk post type

    Cascading Layouts

    A workshop on resilient CSS layouts

    • – Online

      OddBird Workshops

    see all Talks & Workshops
  2. css:is(awesome)
over a colorful nebula
    Talk post type

    Modern CSS Architecture

    A practical workshop on integrating modern CSS

    • – New York

      Smashing Workshop

    see all Talks & Workshops
  3. Mia from behind,
standing at a laptop -
speaking to a conference audience
and gesturing to one side
    Talk post type

    Cascading Style Systems

    A workshop on resilient & maintainable CSS

    • – Sydney, Australia

      Web Directions Workshops

    • – Online

      Smashing Workshops

    see all Talks & Workshops
  4. Three mud turtles
end-to-end on a small branch
floating in the water
    Talk post type

    CSS Containers, What Do They Know?

    A deep-dive introduction to CSS container queries

    • – Sydney, Australia

      Web Directions Developer Summit

    • – Amsterdam, Netherlands

      CMD Amsterdam

    see all Talks & Workshops
  5. Article post type

    Partial Feature Queries, Relaxed Layout Containment, and More

    CSS Working Group updates from July

    Over the last month, the CSS Working Group has determined we can loosen containment restrictions for query containers, and agreed on a syntax for special-case support queries (like support for the gap property in a flex context, or support for align-content in a block flow context).

    see all Article posts
  6. CSS Containment Module, Level 3 specification -
screenshot with W3C logo

    CSS Language Development

    Cascade Layers, Container Queries, Scope, and more

    We were sponsored by the Google Chrome UI Fund in our work developing new web platform functionality and tooling for developers. Over the course of the grant, we helped standardized a range of new CSS features now shipping in browsers – like Cascade Layers, Container Queries, and CSS Scope …

    all tags
  7. A stepped gradient of a pink hue in 2% lightness increments from 100% to 58%, labeled 'spec'
    Article post type

    CSS Working Group Updates for June & July

    What I’ve been working on as an Invited Expert

    The CSS Working Group has regular face-to-face meetings (hybrid online/in-person) throughout the year, and they always result in a flurry of activity! Here’s a rundown of some highlights from the last few months, with a focus on the features I maintain.

    see all Article posts
  8. Winging It post type

    CSS Container Queries in Practice

    Miriam Suzanne and Stacy Kvernmo talk about CSS Container Queries and the unexpected things that happen when you add containment. Some elements completely collapse! What’s going on there? We had questions and thought you might too. So we talk through the issue in our monthly live stream.

    see all Winging It posts


  1. Shop Talk Show Podcast
    Podcast post type

    Cascade Layers, CSS Functions, and More

    I drop by the show to talk about CSS updates and news on container queries, rolling out cascade layers, !important things to remember, custom properties, exit animations, CSS functions, state queries, and more.

    see all Podcast posts
  2. Video post type

    Demystifying CSS Container Queries

    CSS Container Queries promise even more powerful styling approaches, but… what the heck are they? How do they actually work? Miriam joined Jason to teach and explore Container Queries in live code.

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  3. Grainy art-deco illustration of a rocket launch
    Podcast post type

    CSS Containers

    A web development podcast from LogRocket

    I talk with Noel Minchow about CSS Container Queries, why they took so long, how they work, and what to watch out for.

    see all Podcast posts
  4. The top front of a bright yellow shipping container with the door open and a blue sky behind it
    Article post type

    Can We Query the Root Container?

    The complexities of containment, overflow, and ‘propagation’

    I spoke about Container Queries at both Smashing Conference (San Francisco) and CSS Day (Amsterdam) – where I recommended setting up a root container to replace most media queries. Since then, Temani Afif pointed out a few issues with that approach, and sent me down a rabbit hole of overlapping…

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  5. Online Together Fall Summit 2021, October 11-13
    Talk post type

    Styling the Intrinsic Web

    With Cascade Layers & Container Queries

    • – Victoria, BC

      Camosun College

    • – San Francisco, CA

      SmashingConf SF

    see all Talks & Workshops


  1. see all Talks & Workshops
  2. see all Article posts
    Wireframe of card elements
in different sized containers --
some laid out vertically in small spaces,
others horizontal when there's room.
    Article post type

    Use the Right Container Query Syntax

    Size queries are stable, and shipping in browsers

    Since we got a first look at a Container Queries prototype back in April 2021, the syntax has changed a few times. But now the spec is stable, browsers are getting ready to ship, and it’s time to make sure you’re using the same syntax they are!

  3. Grainy art-deco illustration of a rocket launch
    Podcast post type

    Styling the intrinsic web

    A web development podcast from LogRocket

    I talk with Noel Minchow about how to style the intrinsic web, what that means, and how it’s compatible with responsive design.

    see all Podcast posts
  4. Word Wrap Show
    Podcast post type

    Teleportation, PapayaWhip, and Cookies

    This episode went a little off the rails…

    I talk with Claire and Steph about changes to the Container Query syntax, our feelings about web components, named CSS colors, how much we like eating cookies, and other wild tangents.

    see all Podcast posts
  5. Video post type

    Making Sense of CSS Layers and Scope

    CSS is evolving rapidly and new features come online all the time. Join Morten & Miriam to talk about what CSS layers and scope are all about and how they will change how we work with and think about the cascade in the future.

    see all Video posts


  1. certified ooux strategist badge
    Podcast post type

    Bridging Development and Design

    Sondra and Miriam chat with Sophia about using her ORCA methodology (Objects, Relationships, CTAs, and Attributes) in OddBird’s work with clients. We dive into the ways OOUX facilitates a flow of conversation between designers and back-end developers, and get a sneak peak of Miriam’s work on the new container query…

    see all Podcast posts
  2. Miriam Suzanne speaking at a conference
    Podcast post type

    What’s Happening in CSS & Sass

    A podcast focusing on front end development but also covering a wide range of web development and design topics. We talked about CSS, Sass, and work being done in the W3C CSS Working Group.

    see all Podcast posts
  3. Talk post type

    Container Queries & The Future of CSS

    Modernizing the cascade for responsive design systems

    • – Online

      Smashing Meets CSSummer

    • – Online

      CSS Café

    see all Talks & Workshops
  4. see all Podcast posts
  5. Word Wrap Show
    Podcast post type

    CSSWG, Container Queries, Scope, and Layers

    I talk with Claire and Steph about my journey into webdev and onto the CSSWG, what I find frustrating about how others use CSS, and the three specs I’m working on.

    see all Podcast posts
  6. A large, carved, wooden hand
supporting a tree that has nearly fallen over
    Article post type

    Support (Not) Unknown

    Adding Container Query tests to CSS @support

    Working on a new CSS feature like Container Queries, one of the most important considerations is to ensure a “migration path” – a way for developers to start integrating the new code, without breaking their sites on legacy browsers. That looks different depending on the feature, but can often include…

    see all Article posts
  7. F-Word
    Podcast post type

    Container Queries & the CSSWG

    I chat with Bruce Lawson & Vadim Makeev about Sass & Susy, CSS Layers & compatibility, Container Queries, and the CSS Working Group.

    see all Podcast posts
  8. Smashing Podcast #36, Miriam Suzanne, What is the future of CSS?
    Podcast post type

    What Is The Future Of CSS?

    Starting a new season of the Smashing Podcast with a look at the future of CSS. What new specs will be landing in browsers soon? Drew McLellan talks to Miriam to find out.

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  9. see all Article posts
    blockquote with magenta background and polygonal clip-path
    Article post type

    Container Queries: a Quick Start Guide

    Now is the time to begin experimenting with a long requested layout tool.

    The @container query, that elusive feature developers have been requesting and proposing for years, has finally made its debut in a browser. Well, sort of. Here we’ll explain what container queries are, how they work, and what other features they might come with once fully supported in browsers.