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Tag: Cascade

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2024 Posts

  1. A cat sitting in a box
thinking OMG.
I have so many questions
for this damn box.
    Talk post type

    Cascading Layouts

    A workshop on resilient CSS layouts

    CSS layout techniques have come a long way since the early days of responsive design, but many websites are still using decade-old approaches that require more fragile code and more ongoing maintenance. Take your sites to the next level with this 3-session workshop on building more resilient and maintainable web…

    see all Talks & Workshops
  2. css:is(awesome)
over a colorful nebula
    Talk post type

    Modern CSS Architecture

    A practical workshop on integrating modern CSS

    • – New York

      Smashing Workshop

    see all Talks & Workshops
  3. Mia from behind,
standing at a laptop -
speaking to a conference audience
and gesturing to one side
    Talk post type

    Cascading Style Systems

    A workshop on resilient & maintainable CSS

    • – Sydney, Australia

      Web Directions Workshops

    • – Online

      Smashing Workshops

    see all Talks & Workshops
  4. Two websites loaded on
the WWW Hypermedia Browser,
using the emulator hosted by Remy Sharp --
our workshop page, and the 11ty symposium site --
both rendered as plain text
    Talk post type

    Hints and Suggestions

    The design of web design

    • – Victoria, BC

      Camosun College

    • – Berlin, DE

      Beyond Tellerand

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  1. see all Talks & Workshops
    Online Together Fall Summit 2021, October 11-13
    Talk post type

    Styling the Intrinsic Web

    With Cascade Layers & Container Queries

    • – Victoria, BC

      Camosun College

    • – San Francisco, CA

      SmashingConf SF


  1. see all Talks & Workshops
  2. fragment of an inverted triangle with the cascade --
cascade layers are highlighted below element-attached styles
and above specificity
    Link post type

    A Complete Guide to CSS Cascade Layers

    Cascade layers are a new CSS feature that allows us to define explicit contained layers of specificity, so that we have full control over which styles take priority in a project without relying on specificity hacks or !important. This guide is intended to help you fully understand what cascade…

    see all Link posts


  1. Talk post type

    Container Queries & The Future of CSS

    Modernizing the cascade for responsive design systems

    • – Online

      Smashing Meets CSSummer

    • – Online

      CSS Café

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  2. see all Podcast posts
  3. Smashing Podcast #36, Miriam Suzanne, What is the future of CSS?
    Podcast post type

    What Is The Future Of CSS?

    Starting a new season of the Smashing Podcast with a look at the future of CSS. What new specs will be landing in browsers soon? Drew McLellan talks to Miriam to find out.

    see all Podcast posts
  4. Talk post type

    Beyond CSS Variables

    Pushing past global design tokens

    • – Online

      An Event Apart Spring Summit

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  1. see all Talks & Workshops
  2. Talk post type

    When Variables Cascade

    An exploration of CSS custom properties

    • – Online

      SmashingConf Austin/NY

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  3. Talk post type

    Cascade Aligned Programming

    What does it mean to style a universal medium?

    • – Online

      Front Range Front End

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  1. see all Talks & Workshops
    text CSS is Awesome on background of sunset over water
    Talk post type

    Advanced CSS for Modern Applications

    A workshop with practical use-cases, tooling, and pitfalls

    • – San Francisco, CA

      Generate New York

    • – San Francisco, CA

      Smashing Conf