Global Sass Settings
These settings can be defined directly in CSS, or generated from Sass configuration – and they provide the baseline defaults for all dynamic calculations. Each Sass variable has a corresponding custom property that can be used instead.
By default, all Sass configurations are set to null
so that they have no output –
and “factory-default” fallback values are provided
in CSS calls to var(--name, <fallback>)
That ensures that you can set defaults anywhere,
without running into specificity conflicts.
$build (boolean)
$build: true !default;
Optionally generate CSS for the colors on-load, rarther than using the provided mixins directly.
$hues (map | list | string | number | null)
$hues: (
) !default;
The colors to generate, and optional default hues for each color. To set both color-names and hues, provide an explicit map.
- If you provide a songle hue value,
we’ll assign it to the required
key. - If you provide a list of color names, we
we’ll assign them all default
hue values.
Two color names are given special treatment:
is required, a defaults to330
if undefinedneutral
colors (includingneutral
anywhere in a color-name) will use the$neutral-saturation
or most-desaturated value
$lightness (percentage | null)
$lightness: null !default;
The global default lightness percentage for core colors. Tints and shades will be generated in even increments lighter and darker than this starting value.
- Sass:
$lightness: 50%;
- CSS:
--ccs-lightness--config: 50%;
$saturation (percentage | null)
$saturation: null !default;
The global default saturation percentage for core colors. Tints and shades will be generated in even increments less saturated than this starting value.
- Sass:
$saturation: 50%;
- CSS:
--ccs-saturation--config: 50%;
$contrast (percentage | null)
$contrast: null !default;
The global default contrast range for color palettes. Tints and shades will be generated in even increments up to the total range of contrast.
- Sass:
$contrast: 45%;
- CSS:
--ccs-contrast--config: 45%;
$fade-background (percentage | null)
$fade-background: null !default;
It can be useful to desaturate background colors more quickly than their foreground counterparts. Optionally set an additinal saturation-offset for background tints/shades in relation to the foreground.
- Sass:
$fade-background: 0%;
- CSS:
--ccs-fade-background--config: 0%;
$neutral-saturation (percentage | null)
$neutral-saturation: null !default;
By default, neutral saturation is set to the full-contrast background saturation. At low-contrast that can still be quite saturated, so we provide an override when needed.
- Sass:
$neutral-saturation: 15%;
- CSS:
--ccs-s-neutral--config: 15%;
$fallback-dark (color)
$fallback-dark: hsl(
map-get($hues, 'prime') or 330,
($saturation or 50%) - ($contrast or 45%),
($lightness or 50%) - ($contrast or 45%)
) !default;
A dark fallback color
for browsers that don’t support
CSS custom properties.
The default value is based on
map-get($hues, 'prime')
, $saturation
, $lightness
and maximum $contrast
$fallback-light (color)
$fallback-light: hsl(
map-get($hues, 'prime') or 330,
($saturation or 50%) - ($contrast or 45%),
($lightness or 50%) + ($contrast or 45%)
) !default;
A light fallback color
for browsers that don’t support
CSS custom properties.
The default value is based on
map-get($hues, 'prime')
, $saturation
, $lightness
and maximum $contrast