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Stacy teaching developers at an event

Stacy Kvernmo

Stacy (she/her) is a user experience designer, front-end developer, speaker, and podcast superfan.

With over 15 years of experience, Stacy takes the lead on interface development, architecting accessible and maintainable HTML, CSS, and Sass. Balancing a love of design and code, she enjoys experimenting with new design processes and tools as well as new web technologies like CSS Grid Layout. Stacy is enthusiastic about teaching and speaking at design and front-end development conferences. She is a co-host of the WordPress Naperville meetup group and is a superfan of far too many podcasts.

Open Source


Color contrast checker with Oklch, Oklab, P3, and more

OddContrast is a color format converter, featuring newer color formats like Oklch, Oklab, and the Display P3 color space. It’s also a color contrast checker to help designers meet WCAG 2 accessibility standards.

HTML & CSS Polyfills

Popover, CSS Anchor Positioning, Cascade Layers

Along with our work for the W3C developing specifications for the CSS language, OddBird has started and maintains a number of powerful polyfills for new web platform features including the Popover attribute, CSS Anchor Positioning, and Cascade Layers.


Automated style guides

Design systems streamline development, communication, and consistency – but often rely on dedicated teams and extended budgets. We wanted a tool that helps create and maintain living style guides & pattern libraries in an agile process, and on a budget. Herman helps you keep your development process simple – and your UX consistent – as you scale over time.

2025 Posts

  1. see all Winging It posts
    Winging It post type

    Relative Units & Typography

    Join Miriam Suzanne, Stacy Kvernmo, and special guest Alan Stearns – typography enthusiast, co-chair of the CSS Working Group, and self-described CSS Panjandrum – for a conversation about typography.

    Responsive Typography has been around for at least a decade in various forms, but has become even more popular with tools like,, Typetura, and more – all relying on the latest CSS units and math functions. But there are still a lot of questions worth asking.


  1. Winging It post type


    On December 17, 1996, the W3C published the first standard for CSS, and we celebrated the anniversary on Winging It! Michelle Barker, Stephanie Eckles, Kevin Powell, and Henri Helvetica joined us for our “CSS Is Awesome” game. If you love CSS as much as we do, we hope you will…

    see all Winging It posts
  2. Winging It post type

    Learn CSS Grid - Part 2

    In July we talked with Stephanie Eckles about how (and why) you can get started working grids into your CSS toolkit. As requested, this is part two of our dive into CSS grids. We address your questions about strategy – demoing how we plan and apply grid layouts, starting with…

    see all Winging It posts
  3. Winging It post type

    Learn CSS Grid First

    We talk with Stephanie Eckles – the brain behind and – about CSS grids. We look at a few of the most common grid patterns, to show you how (and why) you can get started working grids into your CSS toolkit!

    see all Winging It posts
  4. Winging It post type

    Using New Color Formats

    Miriam Suzanne, Stacy Kvernmo, and James Stuckey Weber demo how to use new color formats with OddContrast, a color tool for previewing, accessibility testing, and selecting the format/space.

    see all Winging It posts
  5. Winging It post type

    CSS Container Queries in Practice

    Miriam Suzanne and Stacy Kvernmo talk about CSS Container Queries and the unexpected things that happen when you add containment. Some elements completely collapse! What’s going on there? We had questions and thought you might too. So we talk through the issue in our monthly live stream.

    see all Winging It posts
  6. Winging It post type

    Proxy State

    For simple interactive sites, using a proxy to manage your state and side effects may be enough.

    see all Winging It posts


  1. see all Winging It posts
    Winging It post type

    CSS Cascade Layers

    If you’ve ever found yourself in a specificity war, you’ll understand how important having control over style priority can be. During our conversation, we discussed what CSS Layers are and how you can use them in your project.


  1. see all Talks & Workshops


  1. see all Link posts
    Stacy teaching developers at an event
    Link post type

    It’s My Job, and Yours

    CSS-Tricks asked a number of web builders the same question…

    What about building websites has you interested this year?

    The role of ethics in our modern web space has been on my mind for the past few years and I suspect it will occupy my thoughts increasingly as I move forward. With each encounter of a questionable feature or setting on a website, I can’t help but think of all of the people involved and the discussions that may (or may not) have taken place.


  1. repeated grid of the same dog picture in different colors
    Talk post type

    The Great State of Design

    with CSS Grid Layout and Friends

    • – Chicago, IL

      Front-End Camp

    • – Chandler, AZ

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  2. title of the talk in Naperville, From Scratch to Launch \#1 Planning Phase
    Talk post type

    WordPress from Scratch to Launch

    • – Naperville, IL

      WordPress Naperville

    • – Naperville, IL

      WordPress Naperville

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  3. Mac OS Dock with some of our favoite app icons
    Article post type

    Tips and Tools We Love

    We wanted to show some love to a few great tools we use to get us through our work days. Do you have any to add to our list?

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  4. Miriam Suzanne speaking at CSSDay
    Article post type

    CSSDay 2016 Recap

    CSSDay was held in sunny Arizona on December 3, 2016. The conference is geared towards front-end developers who want to dive deeper into advanced CSS topics.

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  5. Sarah Parmenter speaking on stage
    Article post type

    Designing Using Data

    Ongoing education in our industry is a must. Attending conferences is a great way to learn and network with other industry professionals. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to attend conferences, but have no fear! Many of the best conferences post videos online, giving our community an easy way to learn…

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  6. Creative usage of drop caps collage
    Article post type

    What’s Old is New: Drop Caps in CSS

    Using an emphasized initial letter is a technique that has been used for centuries. Let’s dive in to see some ways you can apply it to your project to help guide your reader with visual hierarchy.

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  1. CSS Grid example layout
    Article post type

    Will CSS Grid Layout Enable Creative Design?

    CSS Grid Layout is shaping up to be the layout tool we’ve always wanted on the web. How can we use it to start creating interesting layouts?

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  2. woman grimacing beside the words, How many revisions? In Photoshop? In all screen sizes?
    Talk post type

    Curing Design Complacency

    It’s easy to fall into old habits

    • WordCamp Chicago

    • UX Camp

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  1. see all Talks & Workshops
    sass guidelines and css guidelines
    Talk post type

    No Pain No Gain

    CSS Code Reviews

    • SassConf 2015

    • CSS Dev Conf