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Flexible grid column layout

Welcome to Susy3!

Make grid systems your fallback plan

We’re excited to introduce Susy 3.0, a major update to our popular grid-math calculator – now more focused and flexible than ever. Susy was designed to make layout math easy, without forcing you into generic patterns and ugly markup. But grid systems are on the way out, replaced by real CSS layout specs that live in the browser. With Susy3, we want to help make that a smooth transition.

Susy3 Reference Docs

I remember when Blueprint first came out. Besides Eric Meyer’s Reset, it was one of the first open-source CSS libraries that our industry started using en-masse. That’s how I remember things, at least. I had just quit my day job as a junior print designer to start freelancing. A year later, I joined forces with Carl and then Jonny to form OddBird.

At that point, every layout required extensive hacks to work across browsers, and CSS frameworks quickly took over. But there are some things you can’t do in a pure CSS API based on classes. Natalie Downe was proposing a more flexible approach to grids and toolkits, and Chris Eppstein was pushing hard to show how Sass and Compass could revolutionize CSS-sharing and tool APIs.

Susy came out of that mix in July, 2009. Nothing terribly original, just putting the pieces together. I didn’t have a GitHub account at the time, so Carl published Susy on my behalf. The first draft was kind of ugly – but a few people took interest, and helped me clean it up. Three years later, it had become the inspiration for an entire genre of Sass grid systems – with several creative adaptations like Singularity to keep us on our toes.

We work on a different web now. Browser-hacks are mostly a thing of the past, and we have real control over the box-model (one thing IE got right the first time). Flexbox and the CSS Grid module are providing real layout tools in the browser, with flexibility baked in.

Singularity recently shut down development, and we considered doing the same thing. Grid systems are on the decline for a good reason. It’s time to move away from these tools, and put our layouts back in the browser. Instead of closing shop, though, we wanted to provide one more major update truly designed for the edge-cases that remain.

Susy3 is stripped down to the core – a grid-math module we call Su, and a syntax module to add API sugar over top. There are two primary API functions, span() and gutter(), and a total of four configuration settings.

That’s right, Susy3 has no mixins. When we wrote the mixins for Susy1 and Susy2, floats were (practically) the only option, and required a fair amount of hacking help. Mixins provided those shortcuts, at the expense of user flexibility. But mixins also created a black-box of CSS output, which made it more difficult for users to understand the code they were writing.

The core of Susy has always been the math, and the “natural-language” API. Accessing that math only through functions will allow Susy to get out of your way, and work with any future layout technique you need: floats, flexbox, tables, inline-block, even CSS Grids.

If you have the browser-support matrix to start using the CSS Grid module directly, you should do it, and forget about Susy. Brilliant developers like Rachel Andrew and Jen Simmons have been working hard to provide tutorials, so I won’t go into detail – but the results really do feel like magic.

Remember the old 3-column “Holy Grail” layout, with equal-height fixed-width sidebars and a fluid center? Here it is, in a few lines of code:

See the Pen CSS Grid Demo by @miriamsuzanne on CodePen.

In most cases, you can also provide a float, flexbox, or css-table fallback by wrapping your grid code in the @supports (display: grid) {} feature-query. You may still want Susy around to help with the fallback options, until all your required browsers catch up.

Susy Columns & grid-template-columns

The Susy3 syntax has a lot in common with CSS Grid, because we want to start moving people in that direction.

Our columns setting now matches the basic features of CSS grid-template-columns – requiring a list of column-sizes, with the optional susy-repeat() shortcut function, matching the CSS repeat() option:

// Symmetrical layouts
$grid-template-columns: repeat(12, 120px);
$columns: susy-repeat(12, 120px);

// Asymmetrical and mixed-unit layouts
$grid-template-columns: 120px repeat(4, 1fr) 30em;
$columns: 120px susy-repeat(4) 30em;

Where CSS Grid uses the fr unit for fluid columns, we use unitless numbers. A column of width 2 in Susy will work similarly to a 2fr column in CSS. The default setting (susy-repeat(4)) defines a grid of 4 fluid columns, identical to a setting of 1 1 1 1.

Here are a few examples of different column settings:

// 12-column em-based grid... (these have same result)
$columns: susy-repeat(12, 5em);
$columns: 5em 5em 5em 5em 5em 5em 5em 5em 5em 5em 5em 5em;

// holy grail grid from above...
$columns: 12em 1 200px;

// add more columns in the fluid area of holy grail...
$columns: 12em susy-repeat(4) 200px;
$columns: 12em 1 1 1 1 200px;

// repeated alternating columns...
$columns: susy-repeat(3, 8em 200px);
$columns: 8em 200px 8em 200px 8em 200px;

This is a breaking change from Susy2, which allowed a single number 12 to represent 12 equal-and-fluid columns. That has been replaced with susy-repeat(12) for clarity and consistency with CSS.

Since Susy does not have direct access to the DOM, we generate calc() output for non-comparable and mixed fluid/static grids.

Susy Gutters & grid-column-gap

Susy gutters haven’t changed at all since version two, although our new calc output allows you to mix units in new ways. This is similar to the CSS grid-column-gap property, accepting any gutter-length to place between columns. A unitless gutter setting will act as a fraction, on the same scale as any unitless columns. Gutters with units will remain static:

// unitless fluid gutters...
$gutters: 0.25;

// static gutters...
$gutters: 10px;

If you can’t use CSS Grids yet, you might want Susy to help simplify grid-math calculations. Or you might be able to avoid that with a few tricks to simplify your math, and handle it manually.

Box-Sizing: Border-Box

First, fix the browser box-model by setting a global box-sizing:

* { box-sizing: border-box; }

I recommend setting this globally by default, no matter how you handle layouts. Border-box sizing means you can set a width, without worrying that padding or borders will ruin the calculation.

I’ve seen other global box-sizing snippets based on a value of inherit, and I strongly advise against it. There are good reasons that box-related properties like width, padding, and box-sizing don’t inherit the way fonts and colors do. Inheriting layout properties will only cause problems later.

Use Padding for Gutters

In reality, grid math is only complex when you add margin-gutters to the equation. Without gutters in the way, spanning 3 columns out of 12 is a simple fraction: percentage(3/12) in Sass. If you are able to drop the gutters, or even move them into padding rather than margins, you can avoid grid math entirely:

// With Sass
.simple-grid {
  float: left;
  width: percentage(3/12);

/* Without Sass */
.simple-grid {
  float: left;
  width: calc(3/12 * 100%);

If you want to get really clever, you can build your own grid-system out of CSS custom properties (aka variables):

See the Pen Calc() + Custom Properties by @miriamsuzanne on CodePen.

That will also work with css-tables, etc. Add any padding you like, and you have on-the-fly fluid grids without any third-party tools.

We’ve even built a nearly-complete Susy3 in pure CSS. This is a fun experiment, but I don’t recommend using it in production:

See the Pen SusyCSS Demo by @miriamsuzanne on CodePen.

Susy is designed to handle any layout, but if you are designing grids in pure CSS, it’s better to describe your actual needs more simply. Why solve all layout problems, when you can solve only the problems you have?

Use Flexbox

The great thing about flexbox is that it allows items to flex in specific relationship with each other, including equal-height columns and vertical centering. I often find that I don’t need Susy for a flexbox layout, because I’d rather define relationships instead of explicit grid-columns.

Here’s an example flexbox layout, without Susy:

See the Pen Full-height Flexbox by @miriamsuzanne on CodePen.

If you do want to use Susy with flexbox to achieve more consistent grids, you only need to replace any flex-basis values with Susy’s span() function.

.flex {
  flex: 1 1 span(3 of 12);

I can’t think of any way to improve that with mixins, unless you want a few flexing defaults:

@mixin span(
  $config: ()
) {
  flex: 1 1 span($span, $config);
  // split the gutter on each side of the element...
  padding: gutter($span, $config) / 2;

Use Calc to Mix Units

Calc can also help you with mixed-unit grids, combining fluid and fixed columns and gutters. Because calc has access to the DOM in the browser, it can calculate the results of otherwise non-comparable units. This is a bit more fragile and manual than allowing grid or flexbox to do that work for you, but it can be a powerful fallback:

See the Pen Floats with Calc by @miriamsuzanne on CodePen.

If you can’t simplify your math with padding-gutters and flexbox, you may still run into some difficult calculations that require complex grid math.

Susy3 is here to help calculate margin-gutters, asymmetrical grids, and mixed-unit calculations that are difficult to handle without CSS Grid. In those cases, Susy can turn this:

$width: ($span + (($span - 1) * $gutter-width)) / ($columns + (($columns - 1) * $gutter-width));

Into something more manageable:

$width: span(3);

One user asked if Susy3 forces you to build “an entire grid system from scratch”. While Susy certainly allows and facilitates that option, we’re really suggesting that you might not need a more complex system when you can access Susy’s math directly, on-the-fly.

The primary API of Susy3 consists of 2 functions, span and gutter, which you can use anywhere. Why build an entire system of mixins or classes when you can simply use these two functions wherever you need to align with the grid? This is more readable and more flexible than most grid systems, because no CSS properties are hidden from view:

// class names are for demonstration only...
.float {
  width: span(3);
  margin-right: gutter();

.flexbox {
  flex: 1 1 span(3);
  padding: 0 gutter() / 2;

.push-3 {
  margin-left: span(3 wide);

If you find that too repetitive for your needs, you can build mixins to manage a few common patterns. Here’s a simple span mixin for floated grids, with margin-gutters on the right:

@mixin span(
  $config: $susy
) {
  width: span($span, $config);

  @if index($span, 'last') {
    float: right;
  } @else {
    float: left;
    margin-right: gutter();

You can also build a class system of your own, like you might find in other grid frameworks:

.span {
  float: left;
  margin-right: gutter();

  &:last-child {
    margin-right: 0;

@for $span from 1 through length(susy-get('columns')) {
  .span-#{$span} {
    width: span($span);

Only users with very specific and complicated needs may still want to “build an entire system” on top of Susy, in which case we’ll provide the syntax and math – but most use-cases should be handled by the functions we provide.

Global settings are still stored in the $susy map variable, just like Susy2, but now we only have four total settings. Here they are, with their default values:

$susy: (
  'columns': susy-repeat(4),
  'gutters': 0.25,
  'spread': 'narrow',
  'container-spread': 'narrow',

We’ve already introduced you to columns and gutters, so let’s take a look at the remaining options.

“Spread” & “Container-Spread”

Spread isn’t new in Susy3, though it’s never been a global setting before. Susy2 managed spread for you, depending on a combination of other settings, like gutter-position. We wrote an article last week explaining how spread works.

To summarize, there are three spread options, and most people will only use two of them: narrow, wide, and (rarely) wider.

Susy needs to know how an element spreads, and also how containers spread. Note that Susy3 has no single container element. Every grid element acts as a container for its contents. When we talk about containers in Susy3, we’re referring to the parent context for a given element.

In Susy2, we would generate both spread values based on gutter-position, using roughly this logic:

// gutter-position: before | after (margins)
$susy: (
  'spread': 'narrow',
  'container-spread': 'narrow',

// gutter-position: split (margins)
$susy: (
  'spread': 'narrow',
  'container-spread': 'wide',

// gutter-position: inside (padding)
$susy: (
  'spread': 'wide',
  'container-spread': 'wide',

We also override those options when pushing, pulling, padding, and bleeding:

.push-3 {
  margin-left: span(3 wide);

.pull-3 {
  margin-left: 0 - span(3 wide);

.pad-left-3 {
  padding-left: span(3 wide);

.bleed-left-3 {
  margin-left: 0 - span(3 wide);
  padding-left: span(3 wide);

Susy3 defaults both values to narrow, which will work the same as CSS Grid and most other grid systems. If you’re not doing anything special, you can probably ignore these settings and move on.

Those are great defaults, but there are many reasons to override those settings on-the-fly to allow more flexibility where gutters are used. Learning to manage spread and container-spread in Susy3 will give you much more control over your layout experience.

All Susy3 functions draw on the same shorthand syntax in two parts – separated by the word of. The first part describes a span width, location, and spread (in any order):

// <width> <location> <spread>
$span: 2;
$spread: 3 wide;

// location is only needed with asymmetrical grids
$location: 3 at 2 narrow;

You can also span explicit asymmetrical columns, using a column-list instead of span-count and location:

// span 120px and one fraction of the container
$span: (120px 1) narrow;

The second half of Susy’s shorthand describes the grid-context – or available space – with columns, container-spread, and gutters (in any order). None are required:

// of <columns> <container-spread> <gutters>
$columns: of susy-repeat(6);
$spread: of (120px 1 1 14em) wide;
$gutters: of 12 set-gutters 2em;

As you can see, the columns value here is identical to the global columns setting, with one difference. Unlike the global setting, shorthand column-context can be described as a unitless span-count rather than a list. A single unitless number for columns will be treated as a slice of the parent grid:

// columns: susy-repeat(12, 120px)
$shorthand: of 4;
$meaning: of susy-repeat(4, 120px);

If you are using asymmetrical grids, Susy can’t slice it for you. We provide a slice function with exactly the same shorthand syntax, but it returns a list of columns rather than a calculated width:

// columns: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
$shorthand: of slice(first 4);
$meaning: of (1 1 2 3);

Use the span() and gutter() functions to build the grid system that fits you best.


The span() function will return the width of a span across grid-columns and any intermediate gutters. Apply the results to a width or flex-basis property to size your grid elements – or use it with padding, margin, and translateX() to move your elements around.

The span() mixin only requires a span width, but accepts the full shorthand:

// Common Use...
$width: span(3);

// Much less common...
$width: span(first 3 wide of (1 1 2 3 5 8) wide set-gutters 20px);


Gutter will return the width of a single gutter, and only accepts the second half (context) of the shorthand – with or without of:

// Common Use...
$padding: gutter();

// With Context...
$padding: gutter(of 4);
$same-meaning: gutter(4);

There are full installation instructions in the reference docs, but you should note that we now provide the Susy API with or without prefixes:

// unprefixed
@import '<path-to>/susy/sass/susy';

// prefixed
@import '<path-to>/susy/sass/susy-prefix';

By default we assume you want Susy without any prefix, but importing susy-prefix will include susy- before all function names. You can use that if you are worried about name collisions with other functions in your project.

SVG grids for debugging

If you want help visualizing and debugging your grids, import the SVG Grid Plugin:

// unprefixed
@import '<path-to>/susy/sass/plugins/svg-grid';

// prefixed
@import '<path-to>/susy/sass/plugins/svg-grid/prefix';

The plugin adds an svg-grid-colors setting to your global defaults, which you can override in the $susy settings map. It also provides you with a new function, susy-svg-grid(), which will return an inline svg image for use on the background of an element:

.container {
  background: susy-svg-grid() no-repeat scroll;

SVG grids are much more reliable than the old background-image gradient, because background gradients have subpixel rounding issues.

Building your own Susy system

Once you get the basics, Susy3 also provides tools to help you build your own mixins and define your own system, if that’s something you need. See the Plugin Utilities for more detail.

We know we’re taking some risks with this release, not providing what most people expect from a grid system. Some may prefer working with Susy2, and that’s a solid option as well. Over time, we hope the CSS Grid module will replace all third-party systems.

While we’re confident that this is a step forward for Susy, we never claim to know what’s best for you. We’d love your feedback, and real-world examples of how you make Susy work for you.

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