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Birds Recommend: Performant Parallaxing with CSS 3D

If you’d like to learn how to create parallax scrolling for your website, Paul Lewis’ guide to performant parallaxing is the perfect place to start.

Thanks to Rachel Nabors for pointing us to Paul Lewis’ excellent article on Performant Parallaxing. This article is so useful, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to recommend it. Continue reading for a quick summary or head over to Paul’s article right away!

Performant Parallaxing >

Paul, a developer at Google, starts with the don’ts. Don’t use scroll events to create a parallax effect.

JavaScript doesn’t guarantee that parallaxing will keep in step with the page’s scroll position.

Paul Lewis

Trying to achieve a parallax look by changing background position doesn’t work well either, negatively effecting the animation.

Paul recommends using CSS 3D for performant parallaxing, and gives detailed instructions for how to do just that. Anticipating the bugs for us, Paul includes various workarounds.

Have you used this approach? Did it work? Let us know by sending us a message via Twitter.

Performant Parallaxing >

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